Supporting, Loving, and Caring, Just Like Mom

During the month of October, it feels like everywhere you turn you run into something related to breast cancer. Each time I see a commercial or that pink ribbon, I’m reminded how widespread an effect breast cancer has on so many people.

Throughout Mom’s entire breast cancer fight, she never stopped supporting others during theirs. She made blankets, scarves, and care packages for women. She was always there to talk to someone on the phone or meet them in person for a cup of coffee. She would drop everything to care for and support those around her. Mom’s love and compassion for those fortunate to have her in their corner was always abundantly clear to them. She truly cared and they felt that; she made sure they did through her words and especially through her actions.

Mom’s genuine, present, and loving way of caring for others is exactly what we strive to emulate at Roberta’s Legacy. We want our Legacy Families to feel the same love, compassion, empathy, and support that Mom gave so freely. We want our families to know they always have someone in their corner.



“Together, we can” is our theme for the year. Yes, these are simple words, but their importance cannot be overstated. Having such incredible donors, volunteers, board members, and partners who help us take care of our Legacy Families’ needs means more to me than I could begin to express.

I have the privilege of sitting with many of the women who share their stories with us. I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve witnessed the look of relief on their faces when I’ve told them Roberta’s Legacy is there for them and their families; that we will help with any needs that come up. I can almost see some of the weight from the burdens they’ve been carrying lifted from her shoulders.

I’m so honored to do my part in carrying Mom’s heart and love for others forward, and I’m forever grateful for everyone who supports us so we can achieve our goals.

Together, we can accomplish so much. Together, we can change lives.

Amy Willard is a Roberta’s Legacy board member and our Program Director. She is the main point of contact for our Legacy Families and is committed to walking alongside them, ensuring Roberta’s Legacy is meeting their need and helping in any way we can.

Thank you for helping us support our breast cancer community in need!

Breast Cancer does not discriminate and neither do we.

Roberta’s Legacy is a 501(c)3 nonprofit. Your donation is tax deductible.

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