Celebrating Roberta’s 59th birthday

April is a bittersweet month for our family, friends, and everyone involved with Roberta’s Legacy. Bitter since we will not be able to celebrate Roberta’s 59th birthday with her on April 16th. Sweet because we can honor Roberta by emulating the qualities that made her such a special person.

Roberta was a person of strength, courage, kindness, caring, giving, and compassion. Her humble wisdom was filled with sage advice. She lived her life with Faith, Hope, and Love. Roberta invested in other’s lives by loving them with such amazing Christlike grace. Roberta’s faith filled her with a hope that was evident by the joy she exuded.

robertas legacy birthday

Few things in life brought Roberta more joy than celebrating birthdays with those she loved. Roberta’s face would light up as her plans to make the day special came to fruition. Every detail was painstakingly planned and executed. Her love made you feel like you were the most important person on earth. With that spirit in mind, we honor and celebrate Roberta with a fundraising campaign during the month of April.

Roberta’s Legacy is an extension of Roberta’s heart for others. What would Roberta do? That is a question our Board of Directors always asks when making decisions regarding Roberta’s Legacy. We desire to love families through their breast cancer journey. We strive to build lifelong relationships with those we serve. We want to be kind, caring, giving, and compassionate. We wish to be a beacon of hope.

Roberta, thank you for teaching us how a life with faith calls for us to bless and love others!

Happy Birthday, Precious Roberta.

April 16th would have been Roberta’s 59th birthday and we seek to carry on her legacy of giving to those in need. Please consider honoring Roberta on her birthday with a $59 donation. We appreciate your support!

Thank you for helping us support our breast cancer community in need!

Breast Cancer does not discriminate and neither do we.

Roberta’s Legacy is a 501(c)3 nonprofit. Your donation is tax deductible.

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