A Heart for the Pink Ribbon event
— October —
Please join us for A Heart for the Pink Ribbon, the flagship event for Roberta’s Legacy, in 2024!
Date: Sunday, October 20, 2024
Time: 5:00 to 8:00 pm
Your Fight is Our Fight! We strive to live out the legacy Roberta left with us, helping our Legacy Families. And for us, this means walking alongside them, every step of the way, fighting with them!
Because of generous event sponsors, the cost of tickets went directly to local families walking through breast cancer.
Thank you for your continued support.
— event success —
raised at this year’s event.
In 2023 we sold out the event! We had a family speak, live-time, for the first time; there was not a dry eye in the house.
A huge thank you to our generous sponsors who covered all the event’s expenses!
raised at this year’s event.
In 2022, we heard from three Legacy Families whom we were walking beside. They shared their touching stories and how Roberta’s Legacy helped them on their breast cancer journeys.
In 2021, The Board of Roberta’s Legacy made the difficult decision, due to the continued and ongoing uncertainties that COVID-19 brings, and out of an abundance of caution, to not host the annual A Heart for the Pink Ribbon dinner. Instead, we held an online auction event in October: Wreaths of Hope!
In addition to our ticket sales, we raised $5,625 for Roberta’s Legacy that will go directly to the needs of our Legacy Families. We continue to be so grateful for the support of our community as we move forward in caring for the various needs of our Legacy Families.
In 2020, we added a ‘virtual’ ticket and had many folks join us virtually, even from as far away as PA, TX, AZ and CA! While some of us were able to be in-person and socially distant at the Shupe Homestead, others locally, including our Legacy Families, joined us with catered dinners delivered to their respective homes! We were so grateful to have options for everyone’s needs.
— event stories —
A Roberta’s Legacy Family, Blaise and Eric speak at our annual A Heart for the Pink Ribbon event. They tell their story of a breast cancer diagnosis in the early stages of pregnancy, and finding support through Roberta’s Legacy.
Roberta never walked alone. Throughout her journey, Roberta was always supported by the love and generosity of her family and friends. We want our community of breast cancer patients and their families to feel that way, too.