You’ll Never Walk Alone

Roberta never walked alone. Throughout her journey, Roberta was always supported by the love and generosity of her family and friends. We want our community of breast cancer patients and their families to feel that way, too. We want them to know that they’re not alone; that they have our support.

On October 23, 2020, we hosted our annual A Heart for the Pink Ribbon event.  It was a little bit different in 2020, as was most everything this year.  But the evening was as lovely and special as it always is. We heard powerful stories from some of our Legacy Families, our Legacy Friends and our Legacy Partners and even enjoyed music from a harpist.

This year for the first time, we added a ‘virtual’ ticket and had many folks join us virtually, even from as far away as PA, TX, AZ and CA!  While some of us were able to be in-person and socially distant at the Shupe Homestead, others locally, including our Legacy Families, joined us from home with catered dinners delivered to their respective homes!  We were so grateful to have options for everyone’s needs for A Heart for the Pink Ribbon this year.

In addition to our ticket sales, we raised $5,625 for Roberta’s Legacy that will go directly to the needs of our Legacy Families.  We continue to be so grateful for the support of our community as we move forward in caring for the various needs of our Legacy Families.

heart for the pink ribbon roberta's legacy

setting up for heart for the pink ribbon fundraiser

you'll never walk alone breast cancer fundraiser

harry founder roberta's legacyHarry Lozinksi, founder of Roberta’s Legacy, presenting at the 2020 Heart for the Pink Ribbon fundraiser. You can view the videos shown at the event HERE.

breast cancer colorado non profit

roberta's legacy board members

roberta's legacy fundraiser longmont colorado

Thank you for helping us support our breast cancer community in need!

Breast Cancer does not discriminate and neither do we.

Roberta’s Legacy is a 501(c)3 nonprofit. Your donation is tax deductible.

Copyright © Roberta's Legacy All Rights Reserved